Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Baking Marbles and Making Jewelry!

Hi,  I have been baking marbles and making necklaces out of them.  Below you will find the urls for the baking marbles info and making the wire wrapped marbles.  Try it out.  I am having so much fun.  I found this info out on Pinterest and Youtube.

Baking Marbles Info:

Marble wire wrapped:

How to make a Spiral Wire Wrapped Component  #handmade #jewelry #DIY

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas Magic!

I like to take pictures of things that remind me of Christmas Magic.  Here is one for you to view....

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December Has Arrived!

December is here and my crafting is heading into high gear.  I am currently working on quilts, a knitted jacket, socks, washcloths, making soap, jewerly and so much more.  As you can see my workload is heavy.  Luckily for me I started these before the holidays, so on some, all I need to do is finish them up.

I will have all three (3) of my artificial Christmas trees put up this year.  I told the kids that we are going to really celebrate it this year.  The Christmas spirit will be in the air.  As for the kids and grandkids, I told them that we will be having an "Old Fashion Christmas", which translate into they have to make their gifts.  They pulled one name out of the hat and have to make something for this person and they only have a $10.00 materials max limit.  This way the kids can get creative.  Those are the best gifts.

As I progress in my Christmas gift list, I will take and add photos to this blog.  Until then........

Happy Crafting!